Monday, January 30, 2023

Punta Arenas, Chile - Magdalena Island, Los Pinguinos Natural Monument

 From Puerto Varas we had a transfer to the Puerto Montt, Chile Airport and flew ~1,500miles (2,100km) south to Punta Arenas, Chile on the Strait of Magellan, with views of Tierra del Fuego across the strait.  Had a nice stay at the historic Jose Nogueira Hotel (Where Shackleton stayed after being rescued from his travails at the South Pole), had Pisco Sours at the Shackleton Bar, and dined at the adjacent restaurant.


The following morning featured a 1/2day boat tour to Magdalena Island Natural Monument, and a romp with the Magellanic Penguins during their nesting season.  Tens of thousands of nesting pairs with their nestlings of various fluffy sizes.  Saw two types of dolphins, sea lions, gulls, skuas and close to a dozen Sei whales up to 70 ft long.

Magellan Geese



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