Monday, June 9, 2014

Nickerson State Park - Orleans, MA

June 8, 2014 - What a gorgeous weekend!  Traveled across MA in the "slow lane" riding blue highways across the State.  The rig works great at 45-55 MPH, got about 14 MPG on the trip overall.  Saw Seals at Nauset Beach, Cape Cod National Seashore.  Dry camping in the 400 site Nickerson State Park, featuring many "kettle ponds"  Cliff Pond, Little Cliff, Flax Pond.  Did some StandUp Paddleboarding on Big Cliff not too many fish but spotted a few big ones.  Here's the campsite,  Solar panel did a great job keeping the batteries charged despite the wooded location!

1 comment:

  1. I came here with hubby and brother-in-law. They visited the tennis courts for a game of tennis and I walked my lazy ass over to the beach part so I can sit on my but like a beached whale, get some color and read a book.
    nickerson beach
